Silver Linings

Hi there,

Tonya, here.

As 2020 comes to an end, I've been reflecting on those times that have been filled with uncertainty, tests of patience and a never-ending search for silver linings.  Now more than ever, the new year is like a light at the end of the tunnel in so many ways. So, to wrap up the year, I am sharing two things with you.

First, one of my biggest learnings of the year --  my 3 steps for finding a silver lining: 

1.  Breathe.  Grant yourself grace; and, allow yourself some time to process what is going on.  This can take many forms such as meditation, sitting down with a cup of tea and a book or even a good cry.

2.  Be grateful. There's at least one thing you can be grateful for, find it. Better yet, make a list that you can refer to at a moments notice.

3. Repeat a mantra.  Whether it is one you create or one you borrow from someone else, a mantra is a relatively easy way to guide your thoughts into a more positive direction.

And, second, I'm sharing 5 of the many silver linings I found:

1. Vanilla Bean Macaroon tea

2. Time for creative journaling

3. Fitting two workbenches and all my casting equipment in my tiny home studio

4. Re-discovering my fountain pen stash

5. A new mantra: Silver linings are resilience turned inside out.

I'd love to hear about any silver linings you found during the year -- drop it/them in the comments!


Much love to you,

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